Artist Agreement
By registering for the 2024 studio tour, artists agree to the following terms.
1. Participation.
Tour. Each artist participating in the Tour is required to agree to and abide by all terms and conditions, as stated here. Each participating artist’s studio must be a workspace for creating art, located in Arlington County, Virginia. Each artist must have their working studio open for Tour visitors from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on the designated day for their location (see item 2). In studio, artists must exhibit a minimum of 10 pieces, and all work shown must be that artist’s original work.
2. Studio Location. Each studio and pathway to it must be a safe space for public visitation. Opening hours and days for all participating artists, by zip code, are as follows:
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 11:00am-5:00pm: Zip codes 22201, 22209, 22204, 22206, and 22202
Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024 11:00am-5:00pm: Zip codes 22205, 22207, 22203, and StudiosAt307
3. Registration. Each artist must register as an individual participant online at Please note: Artists sharing a space require separate registrations unless their work is created jointly. Registration for the Tour includes submitting required information, an image of artwork, and $35 payment. Fees are non-refundable.
4. Selling Artwork/Commission:
Tour. Participating artists may display art for sale. No commission will be taken by Tour organizers. All costs and taxes incurred by sale of art will be the responsibility of the individual artist. Participation requires that all artists adhere to and abide by all rules, regulations and laws governing Arlington County and the State of Virginia.
5. Gallery Relations. Artists represented by a gallery are fully responsible for following all terms of agreement with that gallery, and hold harmless Arlington Visual Art Studio Tour for any issues that may arise due to participation in this event.
6. Artwork Image and Usage Rights. When registering, artists submitting images representative of their artwork thereby grant Tour Organizers permission to use and publish photographs and any information submitted for the restricted purposes of promoting the Tour in print and/or online. This includes the online Artist Directory and printed Tour Guide/Map.
7. Correcting Information. Each artist is responsible for proofing the online and printed information about themselves, their location and their work by the stated deadline. If the artist fails to proof listings by the deadline, the Tour is not responsible for errors or omissions.
8. Withdrawal. Registered artists who cannot follow through with commitment to be a participant in the Tour must cancel participation in writing (email is acceptable). If an artist withdraws after June 30, the Tour Organizers do not guarantee that their listing can be removed from the printed Tour Guide. Fees are nonrefundable.
9. Liability Insurance. Arlington Visual Art Studio Tour organizers provide no liability insurance coverage to participants of the 2023 Tour. It is the responsibility of participating artists to insure themselves, their premises and their artwork against lawsuit, theft, damage and other potential circumstances. The Tour Organizers strongly recommend that you check with your insurance agent regarding coverage.
10. Promotion. There is no guarantee of attendance at the Tour, and Tour organizers are not responsible for the results an artist’s participation. Each artists agrees to engage actively in promoting the Tour, through activities such as sharing information about the Tour on social media, inviting friends and contacts to the Tour, and posting printed promotional material. All artists are required to display provided lawn signs during the Tour, including one at the studio address and at least one at the nearest road intersection.
11. Tour Cancellation. Tour will proceed in the event of rainy weather. Circumstances out of the control of the Tour Organizers, such as acts of God, may force the event to be cancelled, in which case artists will not be compensated in any way.
12. Agreement to Release Assumption of Risk: Participating artists are aware that there are inherent risks involved in participating in the 2023 Arlington Visual Art Studio Tour and 2023 Exhibit, including, but not limited to, the risk of theft or of damage to property, and the risk of personal injury or illness. Tour Organizers are not responsible for theft, property damage, personal injury or illness of any participating artist.
13. Agreement to Hold Harmless: In consideration of being granted permission to participate in this Tour, I, on behalf of myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, and successors, hereby covenant to hold harmless and indemnify the organizers of Arlington Visual Art Studio Tour (Tour Organizers) and all of its officers, departments, agencies, agents and employees from any and all claims, losses, damages, injuries, fines, penalties, and costs (including court costs and attorney’s fees), charges, liabilities, or exposures, however caused, resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected to my or my family’s participation in the above described program.
By submitting registration, I as a Tour artist agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Tour Organizers for any lack of attendance and any and all liabilities, claims, errors, omissions, losses, accidents and expenses caused by, arising out of, or in connection with, either directly or indirectly, the Arlington Visual Art Studio Tour events.
The Arlington Visual Art Studio Tour team is acting as Tour Organizer to centralize information about this Tour. These terms and conditions may be updated at any given time without prior notice.