J. S. Herbert

Open Saturday, #5

Snowy Mountain

Stoneware and glaze

I am a ceramics artist and I consider the art of pottery or vessel-making a very humanistic experience overall. Each vessel has its own personality and identity. Each is created individually and thoughtfully. They may look similar, but the more you spend time with each, the more you realize that every piece has its own character, just like people. The process of creating a work of art is very important to me. The work of art is the end product of a conversation that I have with my material and the process of making. This conversation is important to me as it becomes not only a way for me to evolve as an artist but it connects me with my work on a spiritual level. The entire process of creating art work is a continuous learning experience, which involves learning about the relationship between the production of art and how it relates to my philosophy of life and faith.


Jon Breeding


Julia Bezgacheva